These are copies of the original wills for Fairfield County, South Carolina.  This is a joint project with the Fairfield County Historical Museum and the Fairfield County Library.  This is the official will record as recorded by the court, which is not the entire, or even the most important, of the Fairfield Probate Records.  The records are from microfilm rolls provided by the museum and library. 


If you do not find what you are looking for, do not despair.  First off, there are more estate records in the loose chancery records for both Kershaw and Fairfield Counties.  Those of Kershaw were inherited from the old Camden District / Craven County, and those estates (pre-1787) are in that county’s records.  Also, Fairfield has loose estate packages that date from ca1784, and are indexed on microfilm and in the publication “Index of Probate Records for Fairfield County, SC 1784-1860” by the deceased only.  Additionally, Fairfield had a separate Equity Court for cases involving land and movables, which typically involved heirship disputes.  These are abstracted and indexed in “Fairfield County Equity Court Records, 1807-1870”.  Contact the Fairfield Museum for these two publications.  Lastly, the detailed Probate Records, covering things like inventories, appraisements, administrator bonds, settlements & etc., have been digitized and are hosted at: https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1911928.  And if that wasn’t enough, there are numerous other specialty volumes listed at the LDS Library Catalogue.  The will volumes are simply that – just the wills.  They cover a small percentage of the total estates, but they are nonetheless one of the key information sources for the county.


The files are in .tif format and are best viewed in an imaging application.  This particular project is based on IrFanView, available for free at:




If you install this application, it will add it as a browser plug-in and will auto-invoke when you click any of the below links. 


The images are best viewed in 256 color at least, and best in the full 16.7m color scale, to allow the widest range of grayscale.  If you view it in 16 color, it comes out dark.




Will Books


Please note – quality varies dramatically.  Most images are readable, but some pages in some volumes are extremely faded.  The scanned images are the best that could be obtained.